Political Humor and Its Diss Contents is an article written by Iain Elies discussing the effects humor has on our political affairs and how damaging it can be. The article discusses how political humor has changed the nation to one that seems too critical and not as serious as in the past before political humor had become accepted. Elis believes that many of the comedy shows like The Daily Show and The Colbert Report actually hurts politics more than helps, that electing persons for office has turned into "who you could rather have a beer with" than who is most qualified for the job. I can agree with the fact that politics has changed majorly in the past fifty years, that now I see that comedy has lightened up politics a bit, though I do believe that comedy and political humor is a good thing for the most part. Shows like The Daily Show are very informative even though it is comedy, in fact, Elies brought up that research has shown that the people that watch The Daily Show are actually some of the most informed and intelligent in the nation. While Jon Stewart's show is not supposed to be a news and information hub, he does inform watchers on how certain shows; like CNN's Crossfire, have a great opportunity to inform America on politics, though execute it poorly which actually misinforms viewers. In the end, I truly believe that comedy does play an important role in our politics, and that shows like The Daily Show actually get people thinking and critical about making an informed choice rather than making politics seem laughable.
(Video Curtsy of YouTube)